Ribbon Tylidy Anite Sweater
Ribbon Tylidy Anite Sweater
Ribbon Tylidy Anite Sweater
Ribbon Tylidy Anite Sweater

Ribbon Tylidy Anite Sweater

Regular Price$90.00 (tax included)
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Ribbon Tai is an accent ribbon Tai Lie -annid sweater.

It is a simple and playful item that adds a feminine element to a classic style.

The deep color of autumn and the soft texture are perfect for the coming seasonal coordination.

It is a recommended piece when you want to add a little accent to your usual golf coordination.

Size Length Soulder Width Bust Sleeve Length
Free Size 56cm 45cm 100cm to 120cm+ 57cm

Ku S Tome R Ruri Ei WS

Beto Fi RST and W

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